Mar 23, 2009 18:49
So, I'm technically done with my first degree. I know, I know, AA - big woop. It only took me 10 years and a lot of screwing around/money. Finished with a 3.0, which is great considering that less than a year ago I had a 1.12GPA.
I still have to finish my final Organic Chem class next quarter - but, that'll be easy *guh* Don't take a year off from something like OChem, just an FYI.
Hopefully, UW gets back to me soon so I know if I need to plan on starting my Biochem, Cellular Biology, and Genetics in Fall. I'll have to put off applying for Neuroscience another year, 3.0GPA isn't good enough to get in.
This Summer I can have an internship at WSU working in one of their labs. I'm not 100% I want to do this, but it'll be good for my CV - once I ever need to get one of those. It's not really related to what I want to do, but I'm good at what they'll have me do. Six weeks, paid, with free room (not sure about foodage, however.)
Get to be part of an exciting grant project - assuming it all works out - that'll bring some much needed repairs to my precious Scanning Electron Microscope...and maybe allow me to do critical-point freezing to work on squishy stuff. I'll get to write some cool software and digitize/categorize over 2000 samples/data for many fungi. Woot to that, I'd like that to turn into a job, but that will be up to the PI.
I believe that is all for school stuff, pssh, like you cared. :Þ