Nov 03, 2005 13:42
Hey! Look, I'm writing in this thing again!!! I've finally gotten a free moment in the past 2 weeks to do so :-) Work has been absolutely nuts. With benefit fairs, flu shot clinics, other special events all while I have to do my regular work load, it gets to be a lot, especially when I can't do overtime much because I have more important stuff to do outside of work like teach Body Pump :) Speaking of BP, I get to go to a quarterly workshop they are putting on on the 13th of Nov - sweet! 10 hours of Les Mills - woohooo! (yes, I know I am psychotic).
Hmm, what else has been going on besides work and class..... not much, I lead a pretty pathetic life. Well, maybe that will pick up when I sign my closing papers next week :-) I am locked in and set to go with the house, we just have to set a closing date, and then come the payments. That will be rough. Ok, so maybe I will be spending more weekends in, not because I am pathetic, but because I will be broke! My little bro wants to move in with me. I am uncertain about that..... although then I wouldn't have to search for a roommate?! I was a little apprehensive about the whole roommate thing anyways, and I know I could handle living w/my bro. However, that's not the hard part w/him. He's not the greatest with money, so I don't know how the "rent" situation would go. If he pays me, we will live just fine..... however if he doesn't.... I think I may be eating at my parents a lot more.
It's annual enrollment time again - I hate having to choose between benefits because everything is on an "if" basis. "If" you get sick, "if" you go this many times to the chiro, "if" you get bird flu..... sorry..... "if" you have to go the er, etc, etc. Then come all the flexible spending nonsense. Great, yes it saves you money if you actually use it - the rest is just wasted! Take for instance right now I HAVE to call my dentist and get a useless cavity filled (it hardly showed up on thier 'radar') because I need to use up a remaining amount of money in my account because if I don't use it by 12/31 - I lose it. Good, yet sucky all in the same. Ah well. I could go on and on, but I will spare you.
Well, take it easy folks, I'll write again sometime ;)