Dec 17, 2005 00:52
1.What is your favorite Christmas carol/song?
Carol of the Bells
2.White lights or multicolored?
White lights are a little due dull and multicolored are kinda tacky, I prefer when someone finds a way to use solid strings of different colors.
3. Do you have a cut tree, live tree or an artificial tree?
4. Eggnog, mulled cider, or hot chocolate?
Home made hot chocolate. Stay away from mine if your diabetic
5. Do you decorate your house with lights?
6. Do you write a Christmas letter?
To who? Probalb ynot, i hate writing letters
7. Do you like receiving Christmas letters/photos?
Dont know, never have before
8. What is your favorite Christmas story/movie?
A Christmas Story, Gremlins 1, all the old Xmas cartoons
9. Have you ever made a gingerbread house?
Yeah, I did last week in class, ill try to post a pic of it later when i bring it home
10. Poinsettias or holly?
11. Do you display a nativity scene?
Im not allowed to build a nativity,...Court order
12. Do you bake Christmas cookies?
I dont, but it sounds like fun
13. Ham or turkey?
Turkey, Duh! Ham is icky...
14. In what languages can you wish someone a Merry Christmas (without cheating)?
English and Spanish, Feliz Navidad Y Un bueno nuevo ano
15. Do you know all the words to Jingle Bells?
Yes, and almost every other XMas song, as long as the music is playing
16. Do you put presents under the tree?
17. How do you eat a candy cane?
Slurp it down to a sharp point, then poke people
18. What is your biggest holidays pet peeve?
People getting overly religious about it
19. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
The ones that ill start with crux
20. What was the best present you ever got for Christmas?
They're all pretty good
====And now for the other survey...ripped from a bunch o' folks====
1. What is your character's name?
Shaboigan Xan Shalashaska Zantetsuken Billybob Bugenhagen Alastor Bojangles the 3rd
2. What kind of character is it (furry, anime, etc) and any particular race?
Furry--Macro Mallowmutt (2/3 Mallowwuff 1/3 Alsatian)
3. What is the first thing your character would think of when he/she first wakes up?
4. Your character's favorite outfit would be?
Toeless Socks. *rolls around playign with his toes
5. When your character looks into a mirror, what's the first thing they would notice?
Contrast of my icy eyes against my dark fur
6. Does your character have the same tastes in food as you?
Yeah, well..except for the whole live meals... I prefer mine rare though
7. How is your character similar to you?
Mostly my character is me, except the anthro wolf part
8. How is he/she different?
Sizeshifter, darker fur, real tail
9. If your character could speak, would they have the same voice as you?
Yeah, cept he'd have to whisper more to keep from hurtin peoples ears
10. If you were to suddenly become your character, what do you think would be the first thing you would do as them?
Eh...hehehe....naughty things...
11. Is there something about your character that you don't like how others think of them?
I dont like it when people expect me to be a lumpy dense hulk who only things of destroyign thengs
12. What advantages does your character have over you?
Regeneration, mass control, size change, transmutations
13. What disadvantages?
THat fur gets really hot in the summer and sheds EVERYWHERE!!!
14. Do you have any secrets relating to your character that only you know?
Probably, but i dont consider it a secret unless someone asks me about it
15. Do you have any secret drawings only you know about?
A few
16. Do you have any plans for your character or are you working on something big relating to him?
I play it by ear
17. What misconception(s), if any, do people have about your character?
Think i already asnswered this
18. If you could have just ONE characteristic from your character, what would it be?
Transmutation lik he can, that way i could change myself to look like him, and others to be their own characters
19. Have you made any characters that go along with yours, based on real-life people, that have the same relationship with your character as you with the real-life person?
20. Have you written any stories about your character?
I tried to write a creation story, but i remembered i cant write
21. How has your character changed since his/her first creation?
Started as a wolf, solid black coat, slowly developed to the mallowmutt. Used to have parents but i decided it would be better if he was artificially created.