(no subject)

May 06, 2014 11:02

Mom is on the blitz attack and leaving me voicemails gloating that I'm "weak" and "going to have many trouble because you're weak" and her plans to get herself evicted and wreck my credit score because I'm the guarantor on her lease even though on voice mail #1 she said I'm not the guarantor and therefore I should stay out of her business. Typical mom, contradicts herself five minutes between storytelling. She thinks her son-in-law (the one she bashed relentless just 6 years earlier) is on her side and she proclaimed in the voicemails, "my son in law is better than my daughter, he's better than you!" I'm googling how to archive voicemails from the iPhone to my computer.

Mom thinks she's moving here, well, I can't stop her (and I can't stop her from getting herself evicted) and she's telling everything she's moving here because she's "needed". Except she expects me and my sister to do all work finding an apartment for her. Hell no. Bree said she has to do that on her own, and when her clueless husband makes a list of how to help Mom find an apartment, Bree says, "That's nice but I'm not getting involved." BiL has enough sense of self preservation that maybe he won't help Mom get what she wants.

So Mom can break the lease/get herself evicted and ruin my credit score if she like, but she's the one who has to get herself half way across the county to live near me and Bree. Once she realize Bree isn't going to help her, Mom will probably stay put until her lease legitimately runs out.

malignant narcissism

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