Dammit, I knew (kinda of) this would happen.

Oct 13, 2012 09:05

Woke up this morning to see a 3 am text from my sister.  Not good.  Her text even said "Don’t Worry".  My 13 years old nephew is at the hospital.  Shit, I really really really hope it's just a physical ailment and not emotional or spiritual.  "Don't worry" said the text.  He's 13 years old, I already knew what happened because I remember my sister at 13 years old and I remember me at 12 years old.    Finally got a hold of her.   He threatened suicide.  His friend called the police.  They showed up.  My sister took him to the hospital.  She texted me but I was asleep (finally), only the cats were awake.

The only difference between my nephew and his mom and me is that we never told anyone.  At least he told his friend.  That's evolution for you I guess.  I will go to the farm tonight and be there for my sister and her kids.  I have no idea of how I could possibly help, and I have even less inkling of what my brother-in-law will be like.  And my niece, I must be there for her to.  This must be scary as shit for her.
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