Like the dog from Terminator

Aug 09, 2012 13:11

In the last 3 or 4 years when she was still living in my house, Mom tried extra to convince me that she is God's special snowflake even though she doesn't believe in God because only the weak and the stupid believes in the irrational.  The "proof" of her special snowflake status is that spirits were trying to talk to her because she's so empathatic and has a good heart.  Bad spirits are trying to attack her because she's so empathetic and has a good heart, until I explained that that the heavy pressure she feels against her chest is actually sleep paralysis.  Since I have sleep paralysis I could described her symptoms and boy was she disappointed and never brought it up again.

Mom thinks she as ESP because, wait for it, she's so empathetic and has a good heart, meanwhile I'm silently screaming can you hear me now? shut up!

Mom spent thousands of dollars in a magic Buddha class to find out her past lives, which included an European prince and a martyred revolutionary.  BTW, why does past lives always involve royalty and not peasants or salves which were more populous than royal family members?

Mom also claims that dogs like her because they recognize her empathy and heart.  I'll never forget an unusual dog incident about 7 years ago; mom and I were taking a walk and a young man with a biggish dog were walking towards us.  The dog was on a leash and walking nicely in front of his mater, neither pulling nor tugging.  The dog was looking at Mom, I mean really looking at her, not staring as dogs do when intrigued or curious, but looking as if studying her.  I never seen that look in a dog before and couldn't make heads or tails out of it.  Mom ignored the man and the dog and soon as we passed eachother, the dog suddenly growled, turned and leaped towards my mom's back.  The dog only managed to grazed her back, no skin was broken.  I should have been appalled and angry but instead my immediate thought was the-dog-knew.  I assured the young man everything was okay and he hurriedly dragged the dog away  who continued looking at my mom like he absolutely did not trust her.

I kept thinking of movie scenes where animals sensed there is something not-human about the person and attacked them like in the movie "Omen".  Later a commentator said it was like in "Terminator" where dogs can tell the difference between andriods and humans.
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