That since I'm stuck in this place for now I'm going to look into a 2nd job, just a BS job a t like Borders or something but I need to start generating more income if I'm ever going to improve my current situation
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I've kinda thought about doing something like that here and there, just to get out of the house and meet some people, heh. It's that, a class or do one of those rec league sports. So far I haven't thought enough to actually DO any of them, but the thought is there, heh.
And yeah, I wouldn't be good at bartending probably. Maybe after awhile, who knows, but I don't think I could handle the hours.
Smoke's a good point too. It doesn't bother me that much (as far as being an ex-smoker) but it's still not pleasant. And I hate the way my clothes smell after, eheh.
I dunno, I'm thinking about doing flag football, heh. I'd try softball, since that seems like a better one for hanging out in the dugout and whatnot, but I never really played baseball and I'd be afraid of making some retarded fielding mistake HEH. I know the rules okay but I don't have the fundamentals ingrained on my brain.
But then this is also like a no-pressure type rec league, so maybe that wouldn't be a problem either, I mean they have a kickball league fer christsakes.
Hahah thats exactly why I dont get involved because I am THAT retard.
Wow kickball really? That would be fun, or maybe thats the lingering stoner in me talking.
By the way, this is driving me up the wall. There was a commercial on last night and it was about some website about students stories and it made a big deal about featuring Bloc Party. But I was half awake and didnt catch the addy. Some weird address though like but thats not quite it. Damn Comedy Central.
"Today someone sent me a link to It's another new Target campaign, aimed at college-bound indie-rock fans. Bloc Party, 22-20s, British Sea Power, the Hold Steady and other bands are featured in slick webepisodes that attempt to further blur the line between entertainment and marketing."
Anyway, yeah, they do kickball. Basically it's mainly so they can go to the bar afterwards if the stuff I've read is true. I'd rather do dodgeball, frankly, but maybe kickball would be fun, heh. Football I know the rules intimately (even tho I never really played), so I wouldn't be too worried about it. I can throw okay, I can catch pretty well when I'm practiced. I just don't think it would attract as many females as softball (or even kickball, heh). I guess the teams are 8-on-8 or 7-on-7 (which is 4 guys, 3 girls per team), but yeah, I dunno.
Speaking of which, that reminds me of the monstrosity that is Ti-Gar (as seen in the promotion in the lower right-hand side of that page).
"What are you drawing?" "A Ti-Gar." "What's a Ti-Gar?" "It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like Edgar Martinez and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic."
(shamelessly ripped from a comment on USS Mariner)
Borders/B&N would probably be good. Or you could be a bartender. :D
But yeah Borders would have its perks.
And yeah, I wouldn't be good at bartending probably. Maybe after awhile, who knows, but I don't think I could handle the hours.
Yeah I couldnt handel the hours either, or the drunks and smoke.
I dunno, I'm thinking about doing flag football, heh. I'd try softball, since that seems like a better one for hanging out in the dugout and whatnot, but I never really played baseball and I'd be afraid of making some retarded fielding mistake HEH. I know the rules okay but I don't have the fundamentals ingrained on my brain.
But then this is also like a no-pressure type rec league, so maybe that wouldn't be a problem either, I mean they have a kickball league fer christsakes.
Wow kickball really? That would be fun, or maybe thats the lingering stoner in me talking.
By the way, this is driving me up the wall. There was a commercial on last night and it was about some website about students stories and it made a big deal about featuring Bloc Party. But I was half awake and didnt catch the addy. Some weird address though like but thats not quite it. Damn Comedy Central.
"Today someone sent me a link to It's another new Target campaign, aimed at college-bound indie-rock fans. Bloc Party, 22-20s, British Sea Power, the Hold Steady and other bands are featured in slick webepisodes that attempt to further blur the line between entertainment and marketing."
Anyway, yeah, they do kickball. Basically it's mainly so they can go to the bar afterwards if the stuff I've read is true. I'd rather do dodgeball, frankly, but maybe kickball would be fun, heh. Football I know the rules intimately (even tho I never really played), so I wouldn't be too worried about it. I can throw okay, I can catch pretty well when I'm practiced. I just don't think it would attract as many females as softball (or even kickball, heh). I guess the teams are 8-on-8 or 7-on-7 (which is 4 guys, 3 girls per team), but yeah, I dunno.
Dude I say go for kick-ball ;)
Eheh, yeah, Target, you got pretty well owned there.
"What are you drawing?"
"A Ti-Gar."
"What's a Ti-Gar?"
"It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like Edgar Martinez and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic."
(shamelessly ripped from a comment on USS Mariner)
*is all fucked up now*
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