"yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away..."

Jan 08, 2005 08:36

had a decent day yesterday.

picked up kurt from his house after i got off work. of course the night before all my aunties were trying to get me drunk. I RESISTED. they went out and bought this half gallon of rum, and i went for the coke. i had already drank a bottle of merlot, so i wasn't really down with all of that. but the drunk in me...or as kim put it...the "cocktailer" in me...still wanted to drink, but i had to get up at 4:30 am so no go.

went to work. felt pretty good when i woke up untill my body realized how fucking early it was.

got off work. fell asleep for about 2 hours, then i picked up kurt from ewa and we went surfing with the aunties and bayley. he was crackin me up because he was like a kid in a candy store checkin out all the girls. which is a good thing because he was drinking rum with them the night before and told me he wanted to find "a girl exactly like me, but not me because i am a big dyke" which is true but not. i'm not a dyke. i just like women. a lot. but it was funny and creepy and weird and definately a drunk thing of him to say.

went surfing at duke's. the waves suck. they were so small. some creepy haole guy started talking to me and he was old and fat. which is fine, but he was just a dweeb. on the beach kurt and i discussed the fact that "they don't make em like they used to" referring to young girls. jesus. there was this one, she couldn't have been more than 14. she had like a d cup and she was flaunting it. ginormous. weird.

then everybody left but joey. my meter had expired so we were gonna go, but it was bad traffic. during rush hour, so she took us to this kava bar in diamond head. yet again, we were checkin out the help. not as bad as 14 though. they looked maybe 18. which is still young. but this one reminded me of carly. she laughed this one time and it was exactly the way carly laughs when she's nervous or trying not to laugh, and it was really cute. so we got our buzz on there and drove back.

we were suppose to go to the club where k works, but kurt had to wake up in the morning for work so i dropped him off. i called k and she said she was at work. she also said she had a massive hang over so she probably wasn't going out. she called me around 3:30am and said she'd call me tomorrow. i'm not too worried about it. i guess if she really wants to hang out she'll call some time when that time comes. she is really hot though. hmm. found out she is japanese,chinese, and american indian. good mix. i think though, what i like about her is that she is smart. and sassy. i just hope she isn't a doper. i don't think so, but you never know.

i've gotta call everett mike to see if we're practicing today for the thing at anna banana's. monday is only a couple of days away.

anyway. more later maybe.
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