Back with the streets I know will never take me anywhere but here..

Jan 04, 2006 22:10

I don't think we've ever talked so much about grade school as we did today. Grade school is so funny, I wish I could go back for like a week just to appreciate how ridiculous it actually was. The fun/cool class went wherever Steve Nicoletti was at. Me and Kerri failed every project we ever did together, even our amazing Conastoga wagon with a fake lamp inside. Ha, good times. It doesn't seem like grade school was that long ago, time wise, but I think of how everyone was then, how I was then, and how we've all changed a lot. Usually changes go unnoticed because we all grow gradually together, but it's fun to think about. We're better people now though, even though much of our innocence has left us. We really don't appreciate things until they're gone. We do it every time and we'll continue to do it because it's a habit that is impossible to grow out of. So, for what it's worth, try to take everything in for what it is because 4 years from now we will be begging to come back to the same place we're at now. We'll all talk about the people that we encountered that were strange or funny, we'll laugh about teachers and we'll have a thousand stories to tell and we'll tell them over and over and over. We'll tell them to our new friends perhaps, but they won't find the stories as funny because maybe they are childish or stupid or you-had-to-be-there stories. But that makes it all the better because our stories are our little secrets, to be shared to anyone and everyone but to only truly understood by us. Here is to living, loving, and laughing...cheers!

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