Book review: Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

Apr 25, 2010 17:59

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder


Genre: young adult, dystopia

Favourite, situation related, quote:
“Sir? The air controller on duty just told me to blow the gas out my ass.”

Inside Out is a very engaging young adult novel, even should it be unusual for you to read a Dystopia book (like it is for me). If you’re too smart and figure out the end early on the suspense factor drops quite a it, but it’s still worth reading on. The style is appropriately fast-paced yet detailed at the same time. The plot never drags and the characters are easy to relate to.

It takes place in a world no one of us could ever imagine to live in. In the lower levels the scrubs live the life of cattle, working, eating, sleeping, breeding, while the people in the upper level have better living conditions. The author doesn’t shy away from tormenting her characters, everything seems terribly real. The only things I didn’t like were the limited space (it got boring after a while) and the conclusion. Probably because I’m not a fan of this genre in the first place. That I read it all in one day does say A LOT about this book, and probably about the author too.

Rating: 4/5

review, young adult, books

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