Crazy Mother-in-Law rant

Feb 01, 2006 14:31

I've come to the conclusion that she's off her head. Well I already knew that really.
Haven't seen her for over a week now, so she's in a huff about something. I was talking to my mum about it (who MIL seems to talk to more than me) and she says its probably because I was on the computer the last time she came over. WTF? There are 6 people in this house - 4 of whom are her grandkids - why does she need my undivided attention? I spoke to her, made her a cup of tea, etc etc.
Then there is the issue that I dont ask for her help enough. She wants to help out more. Hmm yes that's why the one time I asked her if she could pick up Matthew form nursery she said she was watching a film and couldn't. If I ask for help she acts as if I am being a pain in the backside.
I've got the possibilty of becoming a MIL twice - I hope to GOD that I dont act like her.
Rant over. For the record, she can be great, but these times when she takes offence at something (when the woman has the tactfulness of a stone herself) - that drive me mad. The only ones who get hurt are the kids. Who incidentatly aren't allowed at her house very often because her husband doesn't like them!
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