Jan 22, 2006 21:39
OK are you ready for it??
First LiveJournal Entry Ever
Okay so this weekend compared to a rollercoaster, would most definitley be Raging Bull. It went crashing down at the begining, at a pace faster than anything i couldve dealt with, but then turned out to be not so bad after it was over.
We'll start with thursday, exams, i served my 2 detentions in my study hall exam period, which was the stupidest thing i've heard of in my life. 'Oh lemme sit in Mr.Zache's office for and hour n a half, that'll teach me not to be late to first hour'. SHORE. Then i had interior design, which meant i had to sit in a half an hour class with a bunch of orange bitches, namely one orange bitch, Marissa. And blah blah blah.
Then what do i come home to, another bitch. Who decides to tell me im so disrespectful, i deserve to go to bootcamp, or whatsever its called where you live there and go to school or something. SO she actually calls the place, intending to find all the information she can to enroll me, but no one answered. Then she left 15 minutes later to go get my sisters or something, and they called back. I didnt give her the message.
Then later that night, being grounded for the day, i sat at home not speaking a word to any of my so called familia. blah blah my mom starts being weirdly nice, later i realize it was coz she gets to go out and get drunk. and stay out until one in the morning. and drive home intoxicated. watever
Then i slept over at rosas house one of those days either thursday or friday and drama-rama there. iaint even gonna go into detail about that, coz its tooo personal.
Then saturday work, till 2.30, kicked it with ryan and surprised random people. Called people, took a shower, went to bed. Then i kept getting calls at like one in the morning from unknown numbers. i hate people sometimes. and woke up sick this morning. (thanks jennell, i know it was you) But still went to work again till 2.30. Then i went to sleep and woke up two hours ago, took a shower and now im typing this.
Oh and btw, got my cell phone taken away somewhere in there, so if you happen to call it, you should leave a voice mail, coz i can still check those, but not missed calls.
Yeah, but right now im pretty content, so its all good. looking foward to a new semester YAY.
Git at me later bitches.