woo hoo!

Apr 25, 2008 21:56

Okay so Next week, this coming monday, is my final infusion and i gotta tell you... I am feeling SOOOOOOOO much better, oh jeez, I have never appreciated something as little as having the energy to do everyday tasks as i do now.  Yeah this chemotherapy is a pain in the ass to get every week, and for the entire day of the infusion i feel like a zombie, BUTT for the rest of the week, besides getting out of bed in the morning, i feel like im finally getting myself back. I also learned that serotonin is partially carried on your platelets to your brain which totally explains my moods when they are low.
This medication is supposed to stay in my "system" for about 3 months, and should have effects lasting at least that long if not for a year or more. My hema/onco is hoping it will put me into remission. cheaaaa me too.
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