Revealing the names of your Santas

Jan 02, 2015 00:36

Drumroll, please. Here are the names of the generous Secret Santas. Please remember to thank your Santa, if you haven't already. The names are now on each story or piece of art. Thank all of you for participating! Happy New year!

Duluthgirl gave xtexan the story Cursed.
Garonne gave Nicky Gabriel the story Second Thoughts
Barancoire gave Hutcherie the story The Calendar
Wightfaerie gave scfossil word cloud art
Msmoat gave Laura McEwan the story Snap
Silviabella gave Barancoire the story Saving Christmas
Hutcherie gave Silviabella the art Hutch
Anachron gave msmoat the art Starsky and Hutch
Nancy'ssoul gave Lisa Campbell the story Mind over Matter
SCfossil gave Ultrapsychobrat the Starsky and Hutch photo manips
Provencepuss gave Garonne the Starsky and Hutch puzzle
Lisa Campbell gave wightfaerie the untitled vacation story
Laura McEwan gave Duluthgirl the story Anything for a Friend
Verlaine gave Nicol Tyler Twenty Meditations on the theme of a Striped Tomato
Marionrose gave Samudee the story Letting Go of What's Already Gone
Samudee gave Neriah the story Destined or Not-so-Destined to Be
Nicol Tyler gave Anachron the art Starsky
Nicky Gabriel gave Provencepuss the story Perfect Shot
Ultrapsychobrat gave Verlaine the story First Time Ever
xtexan gave Nancy'ssoul the story Welcome
Neriah gave Marionrose the photo manip of Starsky finding Starsky's stocking
Dawnwind gave all participants the story Christmas Belle


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