Breaking: A New Day For The Royal Navy

Feb 20, 2017 21:05

Anchor: Almost two and a half years after the Battle of Islay, the Royal Navy has commissioned and launched what may be the two most advanced naval warships in the world. The HMS Avalon and HMS Ebonshire were launched today from a shipyard in Northern Scotland.

[Video shows the two big, oddly glittering ships cutting through grey water. The video is carefully shot not to show any details of the shoreline.]

Anchor: The christening ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Defence, as well as other notables-including Prince Harry, as a representative of the Royal Family. Members of Excalibur were also present. It is worth noting that these two new superships belong to the newly designed Excalibur class. With me today is Retired Admiral Colin St. Clair, our special correspondent on military affairs. Admiral, perhaps the class name is a way of honouring Excalibur’s service in the Battle of Islay?

St. Clair: Very possibly, Stuart, and very fitting if so. I must confess, I’m simply dazzled by what we read in the public information package provided by the Navy. These superships… [pause, then laughter]. Well, there’s no better description for them, I suppose. They were constructed using highly advanced materials and possess armaments capable of easily penetrating the hull of any less advanced ship. This would, for example, include any ship in the American fleet.

Anchor: I doubt that piece of information was released casually.

St. Clair: As do I. Their speed and maneuverability are well in excess of standard benchmarks. Their hull armor… [another pause and an incredulous-sounding laugh] It’s simply astonishing. I have no idea how these advances were made, and the impact of the presence of these ships on the Atlantic patrol… it will be quite something to observe.
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