SHChallenge Reboot!? [Missing Mod Revived!]

Sep 13, 2011 22:58

Hey, all, sorry for just... dropping off the face of the earth like that, but other stuff gained my attention, so I had to devote my time elsewhere. And then, I just never really felt like coming back... (Hey, at least I'm being honest!)

Anyway, I hate to let the community die since it was given to me by the original creator (kinda shitty of me to let that happen, right?), BUT I don't really feel like dedicating the time to moderating anymore since I'm not around on LJ much. But if you guys are still willing to be apart of SHChallenge, then I can commit and be here with you all. Obviously, I think I'd be making some changes to the way the place is run so that it's easier on, well, all of us, but they wouldn't be MAJOR changes...

So what I want/need to know is, who is willing to still be apart of SHChallenge? Anyone?

I'll continue my honesty streak and say, as a mod, it's fun to bring fans together to create, talk, and share. But it becomes a real hassle when no one participates. That was one of the reasons (though not the main one) for my disappearance. No response gives me nothing to work with.

But I don't mind returning. I just need to know that I have a community to return to. Otherwise, what's the point?

! community notice

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