20in20 Challenge {Round 1}: Results!

Mar 25, 2011 21:48

Out of 200 wonderfully dark, hysterically evil, and perfectly Silent Hill-filled icons, we have 18 brilliant winners! And here they are with their winning icons!

But first, a disclaimer: Voting was set to end Sunday night, but after two days and no change in the votes, I decided to close a bit early so we could use the weekend to our advantage instead of let these two days go to waste. :]

P.S. THERE IS A POLL AT THE BOTTOM!! Please do fill it out. It will determine what we do next here at SHC! :}

Winners for Themes #1-10

Beginnings: stygian_dream

Rotation: aydean

Together (Winner #1): iodine_sky

Together (Winner #2): little_deadgirl

Negative Space: maliku

OTP: havokpanda

Provided Texture: ashe_romeo

Large Text: stygian_dream

Provided Color: aydean

Help: havokpanda

Endings: havokpanda

Special Category Winners
NOTE: If you were an SC winner, then one of your prizes is a custom LJ header with the one SH character of your choosing.
So if you won here, please comment below telling which character you want featured in your header.
(Headers will be made based on your current LJ layouts.)

First Place: havokpanda

Second Place: aydean

Third Place (Winner #1): stygian_dream

Third Place (Winner #2): bluepunk

And, finally, the Winners of Artist's Choice!

First Place: little_deadgirl

Second Place: little_deadgirl

Third Place: bluepunk

Prizes will be up once I get them all done (but I will try to be prompt with them.) Please review THIS POST for the prize information.

Now, here's the poll! :] I know you're not sick of them yet, right? XD Answer honestly and only if you're willing to participate in the challenge you vote for!

Poll What's next for SHC?

Thank you all for such an awesome 20in20 challenge! You all rock, and I hope you all enjoyed the 20in20 and had fun. Congraulations to all the winners, and even if you didn't make the list, I hope that you still at least had a blast participating in the challenge.

20in20: round one, results

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