{Restart} Challenge #105 - ''Lost/Awkward Crop' - SUBMIT!

Feb 20, 2011 20:12

The mob has spoken! It seems that everyone is open to the new suggestions (LIMS, 20in20 challenges, and to a lesser degree, an Icon Exchange). So why are we doing a normal, weekly theme? Well, it's to test how the new theme system works and to gauge participation. But rest assured that next week, we will launch into a new challenge! If you haven't voted yet, then please do so HERE because the votes will determine what challenge we start with. :]

Anyway, onto the revival of Challenge #105. This will be the last weekly theme for a while, so enjoy it guys! (But don't worry. The weekly themes will always be around; they just won't be used as much anymore.)

{Challenge #105}
Abstract Theme: "Lost"
Concrete Theme: "Awkward Crop"
Special Category - "Best Color" (unlocked with 6+ entries)
Mod's Choice (unlocked with 12+ entries)

*REMEMBER: You may choose to use only one theme in your entries, or you can use both, so long as one is clearly represented. And the abstract theme is open for interpertation while the concrete theme means one thing and one thing only (crop the image awkwardly or in a way you wouldn't normally crop it).

Please submit a maximum of two icons by linking or embedding them in your comment to this post. All comments will be screened.

Questions? Comment below.

Theme suggestion? Please comment HERE.

You have until Friday, February 25th at 9:00PM EST to submit. The date/time [EST] as well as submission guidelines and resource links can all be found in the community info!


Good luck, guys! And let's make this a good, strong week before we dive into a new challenge!

week 105, submission

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