Challenge #98 - "The Five Senses" - SUBMIT!

Dec 26, 2010 20:43

Challenge #98 - "The Five Senses"

This week's theme, "The Five Senses," means that all icons submitted must deal with the five senses in some way, meaning "taste," "touch," "sight," "smell," and "hearing" need to be depicted in some way, either by text, an appropriate scene, or by any other means, as long as it's clear (and the more creative/unique the approach is, the better). A mix of more than one sense can be used in the same icon.

Non-Silent Hill examples of all five senses can be found HERE for guidance.

Please submit a maximum of two icons by linking or embedding them in your comment to this post. All comments will be screened. If you have any questions about the theme or suggestions for future themes (which would be awesome), just leave a comment here.

You have until Friday, December 31st at 9:00PM EST to submit. The date/time [EST] as well as submission guidelines and resource links can all be found in the community info!


week 098, submission

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