This thing has been neglected for a while... and like all things, xangas need attention too.
Life is good. The weather has been pretty forviging lately. It hasn't been that cold during the day, but the haziness is starting to get to me. I'm gonna be jumping cars if I don't see the sun soon. Seasonal depression disorder is no fun.
Living in a single has been working out pretty well. Not having a roommate is certainly nice. I like the peace and quiet, listening to music I wanna listen to, waking up to my own alarm clock, doing work late at night without the guilt of disturbing him in his sleep, leaving a mess when I want, having it sparkling clean when I want, not having to pick up the phone knowing that it's always his parents on the other side. Wonderful. But at the same time, I miss having someone there to keep me in check. It's like having someone there keeping an eye on you, and you have that sense of roommate competition that makes you work harder, keep your side of the room neater, treat your guests better, etc. But I definitely prefer the single
I've noticed that I've been spending a lot of time alone lately, perhaps more than is healthy. Not to say that I've become completely antisocial; I try to maintain good relationships with everybody. Maybe it's just because of all the stuff going on around me, and I just need to get away from it all. I actually like the solitude. It gives me time to think... just think. Take in the huge mess that is my life and sort it all out. And it's been good.
School is cool. Surprisingly, I'm having the time of my life in engineering. Compared to all that physics and theoretical math, all my classes seem really straightforward, and I think I actually enjoy learning the material. I guess I really lucked out this semester. My knowledge of C++ helped me breeze through comp sci, and Intro to Mechanical Engineering is just a dumbed down version of Statics.
Thermo, however, is kicking my ass. I got my prelim back on friday; mean was a 55 out of 100...... ...I got a 38. Unequivocally the worst test of any kind that I have ever taken in my entire life. Funny how my only non-A is a C. Just goes to show how poor my priorities are, I guess.
Martial Arts
Taekwondo has been pretty slow for me lately. Combinations of work, prelims, orchestra business, etc. has made it almost impossible to go to training. The Cornell tournament is coming up soon, so I gotta find some way to beat myself back into shape. Don't wanna be embarrassed on my home turf. Maybe I'll start going on jogs in the morning... it'll keep me awake for the rest of the day as well.
Wushu. Wushu is going nowhere. For some reason, my advisor isn't getting back to me about the constitution. Then there is the problem of coming up with some kind of injury waiver (since it's a sports club). I'm getting restless and impatient (and I know some of the guys are, too) so I really need to get it up and running. I'm really excited about the club and it's potential. We're gonna sweep every culture show and weed out all those other fake martial arts troupes... who think they're so damn cool because they can spin sticks and wave fantasy swords around.
...and Other Art
So when I look back at all the things I've drawn and the all the wacky ideas spawned from my imagination, I can't help but laugh at myself. So maybe my inclination to draw in it has been destroyed.. but at the same time, it helps me remember who I am and what my dreams are. I love this thing.
K. I'm dead tired and my vision is blurring. I'm outta here.