May 30, 2005 23:12
Today was a Physics extra class that I thoroughly enjoyed on Level 8. It had a crowd comprising students taking all A43 Physics students which packed quite a large fraction of the lecture hall and saw both lecturers, Mr Ling and Mr Lee, informing us areas of focus for our imminent June examinations. Class ended later than estimated. We then adjourned to Mid Valley (after some compromise or another) and had sushi before walking around- visiting ZARA, The Tie Shop, Evita Peroni, KAMDAR (where I bought one metre of wine red satin cloth) and The Body Shop. Along the way, ample laughter, insults and serious talk from today's group- Jia, Melissa, Pui Ee, Zi, Tat Wei, Jin Soon and myself..we took two cars and then adjourned to tour Jin Soon's beautiful abode to try his orgasmic chair before heading home at nearly 5pm.
Funny how six months has affected us so greatly. Lots of things have taken place beneath the surface, oblivious to the eye that is not observant. But the under current is strong and I hope noone gets swept away as the ripples slowly show themselves to the surface...because that would be painful.