May 12, 2005 17:32
OMG! today wuz flipping EL RETARDO! our sc/sl picnic wuz alright but i dont know any of the ppl from clarkston n so like all the sashabaw ppl were hangin ou together n all the clarkston pl were hangin out together...except for a few ppl who already knew each other....and the whole point of the trip wuz to meet each other n make frends with them....but other then that it wuz really fun! lol me, kelly, olivia, kaitlyn, angela, and kaelyn all hungr out together like the whole time! lol it wuz fun! and tmrw after track, me kaelyn n kaitlyn n tyler (i think those two but me n kaelyn for sure) are walking up to dariy dream and then im going to kaelyns house!!!!! then if she can shes gunna spend the night at my house! it shall be fun! anyways he rest of today wuz stupid too....track wuz an easy day today so we basically did nothing n we ended like 45 minutes early lol 1st hour n 2nd hour were dumb then 3rd house we left n got back the end of 5th hour...we did like a dumb wkst in there n then in LA we watched a movie! anywhom thats about it. lattaaa!