To any of you who have a paid Flickr account, is it worth it? I have run out of space for this month already, and I'm not sure if it is because of the size of my pics or the original size of those I uploaded. I didn't bother to make them smaller before uploading them, and my camera has very high resolution. I'd like any feedback on paid accounts. I tried going in and deleting five pictures or so, but it still says I'm at 100% capacity. It doesn't make a lot of sense really.
The pictures you can't see for a few days are of me dressed up for a Halloween Open House we had at work, and pictures of packing up B-'s truck so he could move to Colorado. As someone who has packed moving trucks up just with N- several times, I was amazed how much faster the packing went with just two more people. He and J- decided to leave last night rather than wait until this morning, so it was pretty rushed and anticlimatic. We will miss him a lot, since he spent a lot of holidays with us and was just the main person we would hang out with in general. It doesn't seem that long ago that he and
liseanne27 moved here from Oregon, and now they've both moved to opposite ends of the country!