Not so witty in real life

Sep 14, 2004 20:11

I finished watching the first season of Gilmore Girls on DVD.  It was great, since I was in the mood for sappy and witty.  I shouldn't have watched the Special Features (normally my highlight of watching TV shows on DVD) because it really slammed  home the idea that the actors are not their characters.  I know this to be true, but for some reason, I wanted these people to actually exist.  Oh well.

N- worked Sunday evening, then last night until midnight, and he's still not home tonight.  I understand that he is needed, and that he is lucky enough to get paid overtime, but it's hard on me, gosh darn it.  I feel like a widow or something.  I had my own solitary dinner.  *sigh*

I found out that I got a scholarship to attend the midwestern chapter of the Music Library Association conference.  I was going anyway, but this will at least pay for one night of the hotel, hurrah.  And maybe N- and I can stay through the weekend and have a mini-vacation, since we keep cancelling vacation plans!!

I also found out which conferences my employer will pay for this year.  San Francisco, here I come!  That's not until November, but that's the one I really wanted.  And then something local.  And then I'll pay to go to at least the midwestern MLA and Chicago ALA (I have to at least see the library cart championships).  Hurrah!

I met with A- and springsea yesterday to plan our first ALA SC meeting.  I think it will be fun!  Lots of work to do, though.  And then K-, a former supervisor, who is on some kind of library diversity committee, e-mailed me to see if we were doing anything to promote diversity.  I responded a little tongue-in-cheek, explaining that our first focus was to get people, any people, to come to the meetings, and we might be more able to address that after we saw who came to the first meeting!  Besides, really, if anyone should promote diversity in our school, shouldn't it be the people running it?  Anyway.  I'm hoping guys come, because even though females are technically the "diverse" population, it's not so in library science.  So then the question becomes your definition of diversity!  My first reaction to the e-mail was one of annoyance.  I don't think it is because of my opinions on diversity (I'm pro!) but because some people seem to think we will be able to do everything all at once.  I have high hopes, but those hopes are more that we will succeed!  Once we pass that hurdle, then on to increasing diversity.  And peace and goodwill for all librariankind.

tv, lso, work, conferences

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