(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 01:23

[music| alexisonfire ]

don't expect any AMAZING photos.
I had a no name disposible camera cause I'm cool like that.
and plus, acording to Kristina, I'm a "retard child"
so those factors result in only a few good pictures.
the pictures from the concert itself are all pretty bad.
you know, lighting, getting pushed and stuff
and they make it seem like I was in the back row when I was in the like 5th row.
there are some good ones but I'm greedy and don't want people to steal them. =)
[Gillian. don't say a word!]
also, I got a good picture of some guy putting his "diamonds in the sky"
so HA.

I have a funny story.
I was showing theese pictures to Amy && Tina today... and Amy was all "who's that guy? who's the one on the left blah blah blah"
then she points to the painting in the background from their CD art and goes "I don't get it...who are those people?!"
oh man.

this is my favorite one of Patrick ever. partially cause I took it. partially cause this is the one time where Eveline is right about him looking like he has down syndrome.

see those straping young men infront of the bus?
they are in a little band that goes by the name of PANIC! AT THE DISCO!
this is another example of the camera making it seem way farther then it really was.

this is an example of me && Gill && Eveline being very cool.

wow. I still can't believe I got that close to them. let alone talked to them. AND TOUCHED THEM.
it's like, you want something soooo bad. and then it finally happens so quickly.
it hasn't even kicked in yet, really. I don't believe it sometimes.
just like I don't believe I met The Academy Is
and William talked to me. and Mike shook my hand and winked at me.
and I have their autographs.
the best part about meeting FOB and going to the soundcheck is that for at least the next month, nothing will be able to bring me now cause I can just be all "stfu I met Fall Out Boy my life is complete, hoe!"
I can't wait till The Academy Is... gets popular and on MTV so I can prance around and make everyone jealous.
hah. ♥

oh, and just because...
here is Andrew McMahon.
this photo was tooken sneakily while he was in line @ Cedar Point, this Summurr.

me && Gillian are on a role with this whole, having encounters with people in bands thing.
maybe one day I can be like... drowning__lessons!
cause she has managed to meet every cool person that you could imagine [I'm not even kidding] and we are all a little jealous of her.

fuck, I just remmebered that I "met" MCS.
I am on a role.

somehow this entry has gone from pictures to me being stupid.
so I better end it...


--Midwest love affair I bend when I am bored,
late-night-liquor-brew will lead me to the floor.
Can we fake it?
Can we make believe?
I'm so full of love it deeply sickens me.

But all I can do is close my eyes, and
cross my heart and hope to die,
'cause you don't fucking listen,
when I'm around.
The least you could do is take it back,
all the vicious remarks and verbal attacks,
'cause I can't fucking stand it
when you're around

Midwest aftermath the rumors start to rise
Did I truly do the things that you've described?
They must hate me, every single one
it just sickens them what I consider fun.--

*dont you love when you feel like lyrics were writting FOR you. and they just fit like a situation or your emotions perfectly?!

much love and stuff <3

;;PS only like 2 weeks till the Mae, Circa Survive concert!

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