If I feel bad, then that means I believe I did something wrong....

Nov 07, 2005 15:42

T.C: "I should get a free shot for all the crap you've done to me"
Me: PFFTPWAH (among other noises of disbelief), what're you goin' on about? As I recall, I've been nothing but the picture of pleasantness to you." (which is totally true, mind you, I only ask for moments of hilarity for being your therapist for times you're down and turning your frown upside down when you work with me. Fair trade I'd say)
T.C: *silence and utter disbelief is displayed on his face* "WHAT?"
Me: "...Ok, fine, you can have your free shot..Wait! Not there! Here, on my shoulder. I need my forearm for work..."
T.C.: "..Really...? Sweet!" *stretches, cracks knuckles, limbers up for a mighty strike*
Me: *thinks to himself, holy bloody crap, this is gonna hurt...* *GUCHATHUNK*
T.C.: *stares blankly for a moment...pain registers...* "AAAOOW! My wrist! WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU CAN'T MOVE YOUR SHOULDER INTO THE PUNCH!"
Me: "I only moved like, an inch! Hahahahaaaha dood, you ok?"
T.C.: "OW!"
Me: "There, you got your free shot, now we're even. Let us never speak of this again."
T.C.: "Fuck that! I'm getting you back. I'm SO getting you back. OW."
Me: "It's not my fault you don't know how to throw a punch! If anything you should be thanking me for this valuable lesson! Now you can be ambidextrous."

So yesterday, he almost runs me over. I feared for my life 'cause I really think he meant to run me over. It was rather intense.

I thought Atomic was bad. I mean, dukin' out with Rob, Jeff, Freye...all those jokers...There were times I thought they were gonna maim me somethin' fierce. But this place...I'm willing to bet that they'd go as far as to break one of my limbs 'cause I can get disability...
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