Today at work...

Mar 23, 2005 22:09

First off, if you jokers remember my last post, I decided to be nice to the lady who threw away the cart pusher keys. "Hello, Laura, how're you?" "Hi Andre" "Listen, I heard about what happened to the pusher keys and just wanted to let you know that I don't have any hard feelings about it. It was an honest mistake, right?" "Oh, um, thanks"

I never use that contraption anyway. Looks like I'm headin' back to bein' the old me.

Oh! I worked with Danny today and oh man...FUNNY

It was extremely windy and wonderful outside today and when I arrived for my shift I was witness to one of the funniest things I've ever seen. We have this giant black cage thing on wheels near the end of the sidewalk on the side of the building used to hold boxes that are found in the lot ('cause people ask for boxes inside for their groceries and decide not to use them so they leave them in the carts...morons) anyway, Danny was trying to gather them up to take them inside to get them smashed and bailed. It was like watching an old Charlie Chaplin movie. Everytime he had it balanced and turned around to get more boxes, the wind would blow everything off and one box almost hit a customer. I was laughing SO hard. "Andre! Shut up! I'm gonna hurt you!" Is what he was saying while trying to control the chaos. What should've taken 5 minutes ended up taking about 15 and right when he got everything onto the flat and he even made it all the way to the door, everything fell off right in the door way. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAA

Later on that evening, we were doing a sweep of the lot and says, "Ok Andre, let's go this way." "Ok...(we continue walking and I notice we're not heading towards any carts) But Danny, the carts are that way.." "SHHH, look ahead...Look at the booty on her..." (I do as I'm instructed and proceed to laugh because this situation warranted it) "Very nice Danny...(and I manage to steer him towards doing our job when said girl starts heading for the other end of the lot)" "Wait! Wait! This way, we have to make trains over here! ...Damn, look at that booty..." "Haaaahahahahahaahaaha"

Item number three for tonight's little escapades include me pushing a train of carts up while Danny was steering it. Well, we split up the train and I tried maneuvering my half to connect with the other carts in front of the store and Danny was giving me a hand, but somehow it didn't connect smoothly. So, I was waiting for him to fix it but he just stands there looking at the point where the carts were crooked and didn't do anything about it. Now, I have to move the rear of the train to the left in order for the front end to go to the right and Danny was standing right there in the way of my necessary maneuver. SOOO, I hit him in the bum with a train of 10+ carts and the look on his face was PRICELESS. Utterly scandalized, you'd think he just witnessed me murdering his puppy or something. I was laughing for about 6 minutes.

Looks like the way headin' back to bein' the old me's got a few bumps in the road...
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