looking back on my last few entries, all ive posted was quizzes i have taken. but there isnt rele n e thing worth updating about. i wake up go 2 skool, hav crazy ass lunches, go home either sleep or go 2 work. i worked las night n didnt get home till after 11 then i still had 2 eat dinner n take a shower. i work 2night form 4-8 and sunday from 4-8. im probably gonna go out w/ Sky 2night. Randy (guy who wrks w/ me) wanted me 2 cover his shift 2morrow night (sat) n close. but i made plans w/ mah friends 2 chill sat night. Sunday im going with my photography class to viscaya (spelling??) till round 3-3:30. its cutting it close till i hav to go into wrk but we'll see. i wanna hav a few hours this weekend where i can jus b lazy, sleep n relax. dammit! the good thing bout being so busy is that its keepin my mind off the stupid shit im used 2 dealing with... yes. so i guess it evens itself out. im anxious to see how i did on the SAT's. i find out my score on my b-day i think. its either gonna b a good day or a bad 1.... im nervous. this could make or break all my college plans... =/ n e wayz... i dnt wanna end the pattern i got going so heres another quiz:
Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 40%
Lust: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Greed: 20%
Pride: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 26%
You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic.
How Sinful Are You?