Jul 29, 2004 11:08
are you wondering why you are still taking this?: kinda
do you still sleep with a baby blanket?: lol yeah sorda
what about a stuffed animal?: on my bed but dont sleep w/ them
have you ever tried playing millionaire online? its addicting...: lol nahh
if not go to www.coffeebreakarcade.com: ok lol? i'm not much of a gamerr
Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch: abercrombie maybe?
do you know anyone famous?: nope but i touched uhmm fabolous's hand & fefe dobson =]
if so who?: duh look up
name three things special to you: friends, music, & loudness
name something your scared of: spiders & any bugs
do you get butterflies when you are around someone special: sometimes
have you ever snuck out to meet this special someone: yeah actually lol
what kinda of shampoo do you use: norm. pantene & suave green apple or strawberry or coconut
whats your daily beauty ritual: hygeine, the million hair ingredients lol & makeup?
whats your opinion on guys with bleached hair?: depends who
Is Adam Sandler Hot?: no but funny
What Now?: now i click update & go back to sleep!