Mona Lisa BoxCreator’s Name:
tzzzzFusion with: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Rating: R
Character/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Radek Zelenka, Samantha Carter, John Connor, Cameron Phillips, Sarah Connor, Derek Reese.
Word Count: 14,000
Do you need to be familiar with the non-SGA source to enjoy this story? Yes, at least enough of the characters and basic premise so that you won't get confused. (because there are two Johns in here ^.^)
Why I chose this: Rodney's one of the people who created Skynet. John the Terminator was sent back in time to find him. I love how John the Terminator thought processes work, and the ending... well, it's typical of the Terminator franchise. Awesome.
Excerpt: "So you have a very good memory, but absolutely no cooking skill. Come on, we're going to IHOP."
"I'm sorry. I was trying to impress you."
Rodney looks John in the eyes at that, his features going lax. John's not sure what it means, but the dilation of Rodney's pupils is a good thing. And he thinks that maybe Rodney McKay is a language he'll someday be able to understand.
Where Did All the Physics Go?Creator’s Name:
amirealFusion with: ST: TOS
Rating: "There be sexin' at some point." says the author
Character/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, Kirk, McCoy, Spock
Word Count: 25,000
Do you need to be familiar with the non-SGA source to enjoy this story? Who's not? *g* Um, well, just familiar enough with the characters to enjoy the banter. *g*
Why I chose this: It's hilarious. John and Rodney stumbling around on the Enterprise and being little boys about it. But in between there's some serious conversations between Rodney and Spock, Rodney and Bones... and Kirk and John. Come on... how could anyone not want to read this? *g*
Excerpt: "Wanna know what I found?"
Rodney painted small kisses along his neck, each one leaving behind a pleasurable shiver. "You already showed me the chess thing." The words were muffled into his skin, warm vibrations, sweet and pleasurable.
"Not the chess thing," John murmured into Rodney's hair. "I found a comprehensive history of the Federation."
Rodney's glazed eyes looked at him a little muzzily. "I think I'm fairly well versed in Federation history."
John kissed him again, enjoying the feel of muscle under his hands, of solid warmth leaning into him. "I heard the tirade about the Enterprise you subjected Simpson to last month."
"The events of Enterprise are actually part of the time line? What? Where is this text?"
Rodney pushed him away, and was sitting at the desk so quickly John was fairly sure there was an afterimage burned into his retinas. He left behind a low buzz of arousal.
There were several long drawn-out minutes of reading before Rodney clapped his hands together and made a sound of triumph. "Ha! I knew Rick Berman had his head up his ass!"
Summer HouseCreator’s Name:
rageprufrockFusion with: Eureka
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, Sherriff Carter, Fargo, Zoe
Word Count: n.a.
Do you need to be familiar with the non-SGA source to enjoy this story? Not really, because I 've never seen the show and I love this story immensely. *g*
Why I chose this: John and Rodney move to Eureka, wreaking havoc and being all lovey-dovey in their own special way. It's great to see people's reactions to them. Hee. Sequels are
Shore Leave and
Excerpt: Fargo rushed into the diner, shaking and looking on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "I need three coffees to go, one for me and two for Satan." He glanced at Jack and Henry balefully. "He's making me engineer his boyfriend a helicopter with a force field around it," he said poisonously, and ran out of the diner again as soon as the coffees appeared.
Henry looked thoughtful. "I guess that sort of explains it," he said awkwardly.
The Truth Is Out There, And So Are Those Life-Sucking Green ThingsCreator’s Name:
strangefrontier Fusion with: The X-Files
Rating: PG 13
Character/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Word Count: 2,500
Do you need to be familiar with the non-SGA source to enjoy this story? Just the basics of who Mulder and Scully is.
Why I chose this: Rodney = Scully, John = Mulder. Sit back and enjoy. *g*
Excerpt: "Oh, please," scoffed McKay, stepping back far enough to let Sheppard experience the full might of his withering glare and breaking the intoxication of proximity. "Like this ‘work' of yours has any basis in reality! This assignment is just a punishment! For me, obviously, not you, since a partner actually capable of rational and brilliant thought is something you sorely need. But this-" he waved vaguely at the contents of Sheppard's office "-this is nonsense! It's all fiction."
Project Quantum PegasusCreator’s Name:
springwoofFusion with: Quantum Leap
Rating: Adult
Character/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, Sam Beckett, Al
Word Count: n.a. (long)
Do you need to be familiar with the non-SGA source to enjoy this story? Just a bit to know what 'leaping' is, but then again the story is self explanatory.
Why I chose this: I love how Sam tries to figure out just what it is that made him leap into John's body. 3 guesses, people, and the the first 2 doesn't count. *g*
Excerpt: Sam sighed deeply. "Okay, okay, calm down, calm down. You're not helping the situation by getting upset."
Sheppard braced his hands on his hips and scowled mutinously. "I'm damned tired of aliens taking over my body, is all. How the hell has nobody noticed that you're not me?"
"I'm not an alien, Colonel. I promise you, I'm as human as you are. I'm just stuck Leaping into other people's lives to fix some kind of problem. Your friends see you when they look at me, even though it's somehow me that's really there."