Official News (Off LJ Links)
Joseph Mallozzi updates his blogChicago Now: Brad Wright: Action-packed destiny for 'SGU 1.5'io9's "Spoiler Free Review" of "Space"Robert Carlyle Explains Rush in "Justice"411Mania interviews Elyse Levesque Discussions and Polls
sgu_icontest posts Challenge 18gate_icontest posts a 'new Challenge based on 'Light'sgwomen_itest posts the voting for Week 25 Gen Fanfiction and Drabbles
Kino Vision Number 11, written by
elliev, (Nicholas Rush, Camille Wray, Colonel Young, TJ Johansen), Rated: PG
Screencaps and Miscellaneous
Emily Young @
gategirlsdaily Daily: Eli, 'Air, Part 1' @
sgu_daily Daily: Young, 'Darkness' @
sgu_daily As always if you have anything we missed for today, be it news or anything you can always e-mail us at If any mistakes have been made in the newsletter today, feel free to comment to this entry. If you don't want to e-mail the maintainers of the newsletter you may now leave a comment here for now. Have a great day, everyone!