Mallozzi's Updates for July 15-19, 2009

Jul 19, 2009 22:20

Just a reminder that Mallozzi is writing the script for the Season One Finale, episode #20.

July 19, 2009


No work on the script today.


A series of images that Mallozzi refers to as "Bells and Whistles". Includes doors and door controls.

July 18, 2009


So far, so good on the script front. I hit the 15 page mark this afternoon. Things get very busy very quickly and there’s a hell of a lot happening in what’s shaping up to be a fairly robust first act. Tomorrow, I’ll go over what I’ve got so far, tweak and tighten, trim the page count and move on, hopefully closing out Act 1 before the 18 page mark and well ahead of schedule. Complicating matters for some of the one on one discussions is the fact that the preceding scripts are presently being written and certain cross-character developments are still in the process of solidifying and settling. Some of these conversations will have to be TBD until I’ve read the scripts for episodes #16 through #19 and, more importantly, everyone is on board with the directions of a few of these arcs.


Destiny living quarters.

July 17, 2009


Destiny corridors and "Entrances and Exits".


Major D. Davis writes: “ ... A pole was taken and 88% of people said they wouldn’t watch universe.. doesn’t all the negative buzz scare you… Just a tiny bit?

Answer: ... Not especially. a. I’d question the statistical value of said poll. b. At the end of the day, I know we’ve produced an excellent product. And, come October, it’ll be up to the viewers to decide. Not just SF viewers, or Stargate viewers, or online fans of the franchise, or angry online fans of the franchise, but ALL viewers

Anaise33 a ecrit: “1) Le 1er épisode de sgu commence dans la base d’sg1?
2) Joel Goldsmith va t’il composer des musiques pour SGU?

Reponses: 1) Non. 2) Oui.

Translation: 1) Cheyenne Mountain will not be a location in SGU’s first episode.

2) Joel Goldsmith will be composing music for the new series.

Rachael writes: “ What is Colonel Telford’s first name?

Answer: Colonel Zak Telford. I’m not sure about the spelling of his first name however. Could be Zak, Zach, Zac, Zack, or ZzaaakK!

DP writes: “How many beats are in an episode?”

Answer: The number of beats in an episode vary wildly.

AndyBrind writes: “what nationality accent will robert carlyle be using in the new series?”

Answer: Latvian. Surprised?

July 16, 2009


I’m on a roll! I followed up yesterday’s Tease by writing the first scene of Act I. At this torrid pace, I should have at least half a script completed when I return to the office in August. There’ll be a lot of raised eyebrows when episode #20 goes wide.


Today, I leave you with some pics charting the design and contsruction of the Destiny corridors.

July 15, 2009


Well, I finally did it. I finally started writing the season finale. Next to writing any of the first three and a half acts or doing the re-writes, actually starting the script is one of the hardest parts of the process. This morning, I decided to tackle the Tease (aka Teaser, aka Cold Open, aka Lord Pimsley’s Lugubrian Cache-Entrée). After a discussion with Paul - who is writing the penultimate episode which segues neatly into mine - I had a game plan. And after working out the broad strokes of the scene(s) over breakfast, I was ready to move onto the next step - a hot shower where I proceeded to run the dialogue in my head. Forty-five minutes later the bathroom walls were bubbling and I had my Tease. I hurried downstairs lest I suddenly collapse and wake up with an inexplicable case of amnesia like that woman in the first season of 24, and wrote it up. Four glorious pages! From here on in, it’s smoooooth sailing.

Until tomorrow when I have to start Act I.


Oh, hey, look! It’s the Control Interface Room.

gallery, sets, mallozzi updates, design, joel goldsmith, episodes

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