Mallozzi's Update for March 7, 2011

Mar 07, 2011 20:20

Mallozzi's Weblog Link


With the back half of season two set to premiere, I thought I’d threat you all to some behind-the-scenes pics and vids from that new super-secret set I alluded to several months back. Check ‘em out, the tune in to episode #211, Deliverance. For some non-spoilery previews of what lies ahead, head on over to I09 and pay Meredith Woerner a visit:!5774433/spoiler-free-review-of-stargate-universes-next-few-episodes or check out Mark Wilson’s write-up at

[NOTE: Visit this entry for images and video of the new set]


Arctic Goddess writes: “Joe, if the sets are still standing for SGU, why were set visits for the Creation Stargate convention in April cancelled?”

Answer: I believe I mentioned in a previous mailbag that the issue stemmed from lighting the sets which would have proved too costly.

David J. writes: “just wondering if in case brad and co are given the green light for the movies will you return to help write them? or will you be to busy with the new project? maybe possibly a consultant at least?”

Answer: Given my new commitments, it’s highly unlikely I’ll be involved in any capacity should the story continue.

Lloyd67 writes: ““People at SyFy and elsewhere have hinted that if SGU could meet or exceed its launch ratings, they might reconsider the cancellation. Which means that the show could be saved, if somehow its ratings were higher.” true ?

Answer: I wouldn’t hold my breath.

gallery, sets, mallozzi updates, video clips, episodes

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