Mallozzi's Weblog Link This entry includes more images from Mallozzi's annual chocolate party. Elyse Levesque is in a few.
Additionally, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson has become the show's Script Coordinator. This position was filled by Alex Levine on SG-1 and SGA, and it was Alex who reported weekly during the shows' run on Sci Fi at the
Stargate Atlantis Blog (formerly the Stargate Blog). By the time Stargate Universe airs, though, Sci Fi will be Syfy and the blog may or may not be back. We'll have to wait and see.
Well, I finally got the notes on my first draft of Space (now episode 11).
At 54 pages, the script is way too long and Rob had some helpful suggestions for trimming down the dialogue. I’ll have to make a slight adjustment to Wray’s attitude in line with Paul’s pass on Judgment, incorporate a costume suggestion, switch out a piece of set dec (actually, more of a prop all things considered) for something more suitable that Production Designer James Robbins came up with, include the two character beats Carl suggested, fiddle with the dialogue pertaining to the ship’s weapon systems, lose an unnecessary complication, and make a slight alteration to final exchange. And that’s it. Hope to have a revised draft later this week.
The moving of "Space" into the 11th episode spot has not yet been reflected in our Stargate Wiki because I don't currently know what has taken its place. Mallozzi has promised a list of the episodes in a future entry, so I'll update the index as soon as that happens.