Mallozzi's Update for July 14, 2010

Jul 14, 2010 23:19

Mallozzi's Weblog Link

NOTE: Persons Unknown was executive produced by Remi Aubuchon and also had Linda McGibney on the production staff. Both of these writers/producers are now with SGU in Season Two.


Persons Unknown, formerly of Monday at 8:00 p.m. (and formerly of Monday at 10:00 p.m. before that) is moving to Saturday at 8:00 p.m. starting July 17th (that’s this weekend, folks!). Please take note. And if you spot it, do not approach it or make any sudden movements. The last thing we need is for you to spook it and send it bolting into another time slot.

Tune in tomorrow for another big guest blogger announcement!


Jenks writes: “Joe, do you ever feel like the show has lost something in it’s link to Earth mythologies, or would you consider that more of an SG-1 theme than a franchise one?”

Answer: I do consider it an SG-1 theme when it relates to specific Earth mythologies (ie. Egyptian), but SGU, like Atlantis before it, is steeped in the mythology of the Ancients.

Tim Lade writes: “Why are you not a fan of ascended visits?”

Answer: To be honest, I find them too esoteric, their existence more fantasy than science fiction.

J. Chris Tucker writes: “Lotta questions about a 4th season seem to be popping up, and you keep saying there’s been no discussion about one. When were SGA and SGU thought up and then actually developed?”

Answer: The topic of discussion was a fourth series, not a fourth season of the show. In the case of Atlantis, it was developed as a replacement for SG-1 - except that SG-1 kept getting picked up. As for SGU, it was a very general pitch late in Atlantis’s run. To be honest, the assumption was that Atlantis was going to get a sixth season pick-up so Brad and Robert were looking to develop it for 2010 only to be told there was immediate interest. As a result, they fast-tracked development on SGU and, while doing so, we received word that Atlantis would, in fact, not be returning for a sixth season.

Nicholas T. writes: “In preparation for SGU, did you ask the recurring cast members to watch/study SG1/SGA to prepare for their roles?”

Answer: Nope. Some were already familiar with the other shows (or VERY familiar in the case of David Blue, SF fan extraordinaire).

Daniel writes: “I’ve a little confused - Paul has done uncredited rewrites on some scripts - so you share credit on them - doesn’t that mean he is credited? - do you mean to say he wouldn’t be credited if it was only your name in the written by credit?”

Answer: By uncredited rewrites, I’m talking about scripts written by other writers. Even though Paul will do a pass on them (at times, a fairly extensive rewrite), the original writer retains sole credit for the script. Because these rewrites fall under his purview as Exec. Producer, he does not receive an extra script fee for his efforts - as opposed to writing original scripts for which he receives a) payment and b) credit.

linda mcgibney, paul mullie, mallozzi updates, remi aubuchon

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