Writer Sign Up Post

Apr 01, 2012 10:06

Writer Sign Up Rules:

1. Stories must have a minimum word count of 10,000 words (there is no upper limit!). The story must be new/original (which means no re-mixes of someone else or your own work).

2. Your story can be gen, het, or slash (we are ship/non-ship friendly community)

3. No part of your story can be posted to the web/internet before your assigned posting date.

4. AUs are permitted.

5. Crossovers with SG1 and/or SGA are permitted. Crossover other than SG1/SGA are NOT permitted for this challenge. But your story MUST focus on SGU.

6. Your story MUST be betaread before being posted to the community.

7. You will host your story on your own journal or site. You will post a Master Post containing your header and a link to the story and art on your assigned day. These journal entries CANNOT be locked at any point in time (i.e. you cannot have the stories open for only a short period before locking them, any story found violating this rule will be disqualified. Period.)

8. You must sign up to write yourself (you cannot have a friend do it for you). Just as you must post your own story on your assigned day (you cannot have a friend do it for you).

9. Writing teams ARE permitted. Only one author needs to sign up for both/all members of the writing group.

10. You agree to stay in contact with the mods and with their artists. If you go AWOL your story will be disqualified. This shouldn’t be difficult since you will only be required to send only two or three e-mails during this challenge from sign up to posting date.

11. At this moment you can only sign up as either a writer OR an artist. (This may change come closer to Claiming Day, if there are more completed stories than interested artists, this rule will be amended and/or removed completely).
11.A) You can now sign up to do art as well! (Exceptions include: letting art-only participants get first pick at the stories on claiming day, author's CANNOT claim their own stories to do art)

12. Rules can be modified without warning or notice (but probably only if I remember something I completely forgot)

Important Dates for Writers:

* April 28: Sign Ups close
* August 1: First Drafts are due
* August 12: You must contact your Artist no later than this day
* September 9: Posting begins

Please copy and paste the following into a comment to sign up:

User Name:
I have read and understand the rules & deadlines:

Will you be writing Gen, Het, or Slash?
Which pairing? (for Het or Slash response)
Which focus character(s)? (for Gen response)

challenge: big bang 2012, mod!post

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