Hello everyone! I can't believe it, but we actually had people joining this community before we even started promoting it! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! I am very excited about this comm, and can't wait to get the challenges up and running.
Round #1, our very first prompt challenge, will be posted Monday December 14th.
Every Monday, a new prompt will be posted. A masterlist of all fics and artwork related to that prompt will be available the following Sunday. If you don't finish your entry in one week, you can still post it to the community. More SGU fic is always a good thing!
The Rules:
1.) This community is only for posting fics and/or graphics which are in response to our weekly prompts. A new prompt will be posted every Monday. All entries must be related to the current prompt...
2.) ...or to a previous prompt posted at this community! (i.e.: if you don't finish your prompt on time, post it anyway! More SGU fic is always a good thing.)
3.) All entries should be related to Stargate Universe. Crossovers are acceptable, provided SGU is one of the fandoms being crossed.
4.) Entries can relate to any SGU character, group, pairing, threesome, moresome, etc. This community is slash, femslash, het and gen friendly. Just make sure your entry is related to the prompt.
5.) You can post more than one entry per prompt if you are really inspired - again, the more SGU fic the better!
6.) Fanfiction entries should be a minimum of 100 words (a drabble). Since this community is designed to promote and encourage SGU fanfiction there is no maximum word count. However, fics longer than 100 words should be placed behind an lj-cut or a link back to your own journal.
7.) Post your fics either at this community or as a link back to your LJ, using this header (or something similar):
Author's Notes:
8.) Please give appropriate ratings and warnings, especially for explicit sexual or violent content. If you are posting graphics, any artwork or manips that are not safe for work (i.e. rated 'R' or 'NC-17') must be placed behind a cut and given a clear warning.
9.) Graphic posts - wallpapers, headers, banners, manips, fanmixes, fanvids, and even good old fashioned pencil-on-paper fanart are all acceptable forms of answering the weekly challenge prompts. However, please use thumbnails or place large graphics under a cut. If you are posting icons, you must post a set of a minimum of five icons directly related to the prompt.
10.) Do not link to any locked journals. Do not link to a journal entry which will only be public for a certain length of time.
Your mods are
eternitywaits and
nemo_r. Feel free to PM us if you have an questions or concerns regarding the challenges or the community. You can also leave a comment on this post.