Title: Going Home
Author: Elaiel
Artist: Tarlan
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 16787 words
Warnings: Explicit sex, unconventional relationships, prior major character death, small children.
Characters: Everett Young,Chloe Armstrong, Nicholas Rush, Rodney McKay
Author's Notes: Written for the Big Bang 2012.
Just over a year after the Destiny crew are returned to Earth, over fifteen years after they left, Everett Young is asked to find Nicholas Rush for a very sensitive project, Chloe Armstrong is probably the only person who may know where he is. It's been a difficult year, but hopefully Young can bring him home.
Story is here on
AO3, or
DW Tarlan's totally beautiful artwork to go with it can all be seen
NB. apologies for delay in posting - I have had internet issues.