Sep 27, 2006 10:58
not really, being they are better than tuesdays and much better than mondays, but what the hey, THEY SUCK ANYWAYS! So went to bet at 9:00 last night being I was pretty dead at the gym and falling asleep watching dirty jobs..... and so to bed I went, and I'm still fucking tired as hell....
Still motherboard shopping at the moment.... found a board on Tom's hardware that is truely btoh AGP and PCIe but still wondering whether I should jsut go the full monty and get PCIe and say fuck it. It also would fofill a birthday present for Ian which I'm rather excited about. I think I'll just pick up and cheap P4 chip, throw it in one of the my old P4 boards I have and build him another PC, cept with my newish video card I have now and such. I think he'll enjoy that ;-) So, then the question is what motherboard to get.... I really dont want to spend more than 100 bucks on one, then the same rule for the proc, then prolly 120ish for the vid card. Brining out quite a tidy sum of money I don't really want to spend...
Was looking at this site that will sell t-shirts with your own designs on them which gives you a commision based on how much over their cost you would charge. So at some point when I do have a few more strips under my belt for my comic maybe I'll put up some t-shirts or something for fun, who know's, maybe someone would buy one lol.
Kinda annoyed I cant work on or even get at my comic at the moment, damn SATA hardrives.... but hopefully that situation will be rectified soon.
My fucking media player finally shipped on monday night and wont be here till next fucking monday, yes folks, thats a three week woot from purchase to recieving... christ 2 or 3 of the woots after it have already been recieved by people... I'm prolly gonna think twice about ordering stuff from woot now, this freakin sucks, between the no contact from them, to no updates on shipping status, to no detials on why it took two freakin weeks to ship.... grrrr, well live and learn I guess.
Other than all that thingsd are ok. I've been really rather up beat for the past few weeks on a consistant basis, which has to be some sort of record for me. Although I've been tired as fuck, things just aren't bringing me down as much at the moment. Not sure if thats because there have been less of said things or I've just reached the "it can't get any worse" portion of things lol.
Well I should prolly get some more work done, although re-wiring dryers all morning does make me feel a bit more acomplished than ussual, being as it more relates to my degree than anything else I do here :-P