Apr 01, 2005 01:27
i love the cosi crew and the cuddle pit---eeerrrs (hot new group, better watch out for us).
mr softie sucks at the little ice cream stand in cherry hill.
i like castle harbor MUCH better.. anyone know when that opens for the season?!
spring break has been pretty eventful, i'm having a good time.. but i need a prom dress!!!.... oh, and a huge thanks goes to bunny hewko for getting us A FUCKING SUITE AT THE BORGATA FOR AFTER PROM!!!
kyle benson is awesome as usual, he's been treating me to food and such over break. we've watched some movies, cuddled a lot and all that fun couple-y stuff. i <3 him big-much.
to do list:
make appointments for eye doctors, dentist, gyno.
register for bcc.
look at other community colleges in annapolis and vermont.
decide where i'd like to go for school.
decide who i'd like to get an apartment with.
take care of prom shit.
get a job.
go spring shopping.
get bunny a gift.
go to riverton to get flowers cause i'd like to plant a garden.