Nov 26, 2009 00:03
- 08:04 @ kristinaking wait what? #
- 09:46 Spaaaaace Hulk: Like Normal Hulk, but in SPACE. #
- 10:12 Stand fast, battle brothers!! For Sanguinus and for the Emperor!! #
- 21:01 I am exceedingly thankful for #glee. #
- 21:13 ...NEEDS MOAR ADVERB: I am entirely completely overwhelmingly thankful for #Glee (understandably). #
- 21:15 I should get a tattoo across my neck that says "ADVERB LIFE" #
- 21:26 ...I, um, well, I, well....I need to be alone for a minute. For no particular reason. Um...yeah. #glee #
- 21:47 Those...those are some hot deaf chicks. #glee #
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