
Sep 28, 2006 19:58

I'm moving from my moms house to an apartment and well, I just keep finding stuff anywhere from 5-6years old.

I'm adding this so I can throw the paper away and save the thought.

"The world is ending, we all want to stop it but we can't stop it for all we know. When all the land is wasted where will we go? To the air, the sea, another planet? I don't think so, I think we will not think of it in time. We will sit and be lazy. Our destiny, chance, fate, fortune; they are all ways of claiming our success without acknowledging our failures. In war we have always proscribed, "If you kill your enemy with the first stroke, you save yourself the labor of the second." This is why we have created so many forms of destruction. This is why our beliefs are always saying, if you can't fix it, destroy it.

We always fear darkness, without seeing what light does to us. We must seek a balance, there is no war without peace. There is no life, without death. We cannot destroy darkness, without destroying the light."

I Edited it a touch, my grammar was horrible then, and still is now. But atleast it is a mild improvement over the original.

This document contains no date, but I know it is old, very old.
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