Deep Six

Mar 17, 2006 21:28

Feeling slightly better about life and his situation in it, Sarge managed to get the will to wander on out into the sunlight once more. Well, more like flourescent light, but there were some UV rays... right? He didn't think too much on it as he passed through the base, poking his head into the rooms to see what was happening. Donut cozied up, Lopez working on his latest idea (had he said something about blue armor?), Grif griffing about in his airspace.

Something was slightly off-kilter, though, when he made a melancholic look into Private Leaves' bunker. THINGS were there that had been missing from before. Knowing he had made the policy that Basil's room was NOT a dumphole while he was gone very clear, Sarge couldn't help the lump in his throat.

"Is he... back?"
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