sgspree [+0/-0]
- 3 Dec 06: Send Ordered List
- 4 Dec 06: Payment Made. Seller say will send out item tml thru airmail.
Item expected to reach by next week
- 8 Dec 06: Quoted from Maple... 您好!於12/5已將您訂購ㄉ商品由郵局以航空掛號(號碼:RR336560420TW)幫您寄出.應該5-7天後會寄達.請留意簽收.謝謝惠顧.祝平安愉快唷~~- 12 Dec 06: Items reached my house
- 13 Dec 06: All parcels sent @ Tampines Post Office in the morning
pauline85 Tracking Number: RR665261240SG
**Regarding all those who ordered for the Prince & Princess Necklace**
I seriously got no idea why all necklace looks the same and i pack according to the no stated on the pack so no doubt all posting wrongly.
For those who purchase from Maple should know tey are nice enough to indicate the item no matched to order list. In case you need to double confirm this is the 'receipt' i received together with the parcel.
The obvious difference between the Prince & Princess i gathered from the
site is their difference in chain length
*i boxed up in red the details*
So sorry about the inconvenience caused
Spree-erQtyAmount S$Payment Status
rougeville1$8.52PaidAdeline Phua7$70.30PaidMelissa Chew2$27.08Paid
Please Check your orders
Before you order, Please read my terms & conditions:
1) Any enquires please direct to Please keep my thread neat
2) Do NOT change your orders after posting your comments
3) No Payment = No Order
4) Total order time and till goods receive require at least 2 weeks. Only order if you can wait
5) I reserve the right to reject your order if you don't follow my format.
6) I will not be responsible if the supplier were to send the wrong item/ went missing. As much as possible i will ensure everything goes smoothly as i do place my own order too.
7) Paid orders will be given priority. Please keep track of the number of items. Orders posted & paid after cap will be deleted and $$$ will me withheld till end of spree.
*I'm a new organiser so order with me only if you are comfortable
Maple Syrup 8) Capped at 20 paid orders/ Thu 30 Nov06 Fri 1 Dec 06 (need more ppl to lower shipping) whichever is earlier.
9) Bid Price Items (thanks to
adeqicious for informing =D)
Exchange Rate: SGD1 = TWD20.50
11) Taiwan to Singapore: TW$150 standard rate.
To be divided by number of item.
Estimate to be $0.50 per item first (exceed will be refund/ use to offset local postage(
12) Items will be distributed by Singpost after it reach Singapore
Local Postage: $0.50 (earrings) - $1.50 (necklaces)
*depending on weight*
Registered Post: Add additional $2.50
13) Payment to seller via EZ Pay
14) Payment to me: POSB Savings 002-51220-3
15) Internet banking/ ATM transfer only. Please post your transaction reference & time + date of payment.
NO interbank transfer
16) First Payment: Item Cost + Estimated Shipping Charge from TW to SG (TW$10 per item) + EZPAY (2.8%)
Format of Order
(a) 1st Post (Order List)
(1) Item Name: 。楓糖漿精品館。韓國進口-精鍍K金水晶鑽高音譜記號夾式耳環/透明K090-8
URL: White
Alt Colour (if OOS): -
Qty: 1
Price: TW$250
(2) Item Name: 。楓糖漿精品館。韓國進口-星星夾心餅乾免穿耳洞磁鐵耳環/巧克力K051
URL: 巧克力
Alt Colour (if OOS): -
Qty: 1
Price: TW$50
Total no. of items: 2
Total item cost (TW$): $250+$50= $300
Postage: TW$10 * Qty
$10*2= $20
EZ Pay Charge (2.8%): (Total Item Cost + Postage) * 0.028
($300+$20)*0.28= $89.6
Total price (TW$): Total Item Cost + Postage + EZ Pay Charge
$300 + $20 + $89.6 = TW$ 409.60
Total price (S$): Total price (TW$) / 20.50
TW$ 409.60 / 20.50 = $19.98
(b) 2nd Post Reply to YOUR first post
**Modified to suit sgspree rulez
From Account: XXX Savings XXXXXXXXX
To Account POSB Savings 002-51220-3 fiona_nsy
Amount: $19.98
Transaction Reference XXXXXXXXX
Date/Time of Transfer: 28 Nov 06/ 11:45pm
Fill in your mailing details here AFTER Payment(Reply to your order list i posted)
lj-nick: fiona_nsy
Real name: Fiona Ng
Email Address:
Home Address: Blk XXX, Hougang Ave X, #XX-XXX, S(XXXXXX)
Normal/ Registered: Normal
~~~Happy Spree-ing~~~
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