I have changed from Supre Spree to Forever21 Spree.
Frozen comments = Order taken in, Payment received
For spree-ers who have transferred a few cents less or a few cents more, I will take the shortage or excess into consideration in the 2nd payment.
Some spree-ers (especially those using gmail) had my updates ending up in their Spam/Junk Folder. Spree-ers who are joining my spree, please check your Spam/Junk Folder for my updates regularly even if the 1st update is in your Inbox. For F21, I will update when the items are shipped out by F21, when vPost shipping charge has been paid and when the items arrived and are ready for distribution.
Please help to keep the thread neat for the ease of my consolidation. Particulars, order and payment in 1 comment only. If you need to make any amendment, delete the old comment and repost. Thanks.
Any unpaid order left in the comments will be deleted.
(+347/-1) Spree-ers whose orders are taken in in Spree #34 (Ordered)
jennjensen and myself
Spree-ers whose orders are taken in Spree #35
risingbelow to nicktyh less prickme
Terms and conditions - Please read before ordering
http://starry168.livejournal.com/2911.html Special note pertaining to this spree:
- Please add item to cart to ensure that item is in stock before ordering.
- Please check your order thoroughly before ordering, i.e., URL, color, size and price. I will ensure that the correct items are ordered. However, I will not be responsible for errors made by the merchant and/or return costs.
- I will also not be responsible for any damaged/missing items.
- Not taking in alternative unless alternative item is of the same price.
- Not taking in Daily 21 items.
- No shoes and no bulky or heavy items (e.g. trench coat and blazer)
1. Website to order from
http://www.forever21.com/ 2. Spree cap
About 230 USD
3. Exchange rate
1USD = 1.32SGD
4. Shipping details
Collecting $2 initial shipping charge per item
Free US shipping from Forever21 to vPOSTUSA -> vPOSTUSA to me
vPOSTUSA shipping charges to be shared according to shipping units
Shipping units [Tentative (rough guide); I reserve the right to revise the shipping unit depending on the actual weight/size of items]
Light accessories (e.g. earrings, ring, headband, pin) - 0.5units
Heavy accessories (e.g. necklace, bangle, bracelet) and Light tops - 1 unit
Heavy tops (e.g. tunic) and Bottom like shorts and short skirts - 1.5units
Dresses and pants - 2 units
No shoes and no bulky or heavy items (e.g. trench coat and blazer)
5. Mode of distribution
Strictly via Local Normal/Registered post only. No meet-up.
6. Mode of payment
POSB Savings Acct: 245-18487-5
After paying, please reply to your own post with the following transaction details: (Compulsory to do so; IB payment: Please use your LJ nick as your IB initial;
ATM payment: Please post your order only after you have made payment.)
Paid via: ATM / IB
From account: Please indicate your bank and bank account number; for refund purpose
To account: POSB / UOB
Date & Time of transfer:
There will be 2 payments:
1st payment = (Total amount in USD x 1.32) + (No. of items x $2)
*Please round up to the nearest cents, i.e., $13.181 = $13.19.
2nd payment = vPOSTUSA shipping charge, if topup required Local postage $0.50 handling fee
7. My email address
starry168@hotmail.com 8. Format of order (Please follow my format)
Nickname/Real name:
Email address:
ITEM #1 (example)
Item name: Simple Sleeveless Dress
Item URL:
http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=FOREVER21&category%5Fname=21%5Fitems&product%5Fid=2000000697&Page=allColor: Blue (Please copy the exact words as stated on the website)
Size: Medium
Qty: 1
Price in USD: 13.50
Alt. if OOS:
Item name:
Item URL:
Price in USD:
Alt. if OOS:
Total in USD: ITEM #1 + ITEM #2 ... = Amt in USD
Total in SGD: (Amt in USD x 1.32) + (No. of items x $2) = Amt to pay for 1st payment
Thanks for participating.