Target Spree #5 - OPEN

Dec 02, 2009 16:11

Capping at USD 200. Please count before you transfer!

- NO bulky items.
- Only accepting items with the "Free shipping with minimum purchase" logo.
- Only accepting items which "Usually ships within 24 hours" ---> Add to cart to check first!

sgspree feedback: [ +76 / -0 ]

Frozen comments = Payment received

Paid and confirmed orders

Total: USD

Terms and Conditions:

1. First pay, first serve. No Payment = No Order!
2. Please ensure that the cap is not exceeded before making payment. You will have to wait for your refunds otherwise.
3. I will ensure that orders are made correctly, but I will not be liable for any mistakes in shipping due to the merchant.
4. Please ensure that your item is in stock before you post.
5. Only accepting internet banking transfers. ATM transfers are fine, but only if you can do so within 2 hours.
6. Please use your LJ nick when transferring through i-Banking.
7. Distribution via postage (Normal/Registered) only.
8. Excess from exchange rate will not be refunded.
9. I reserve the right to cancel the spree if response is poor.
10. Updates will be made via mass e-mail and at my LJ page.
11. Please join only if you are comfortable with the above.

Website to order from:

Capping at:

My contact:
koobid_zz (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Payment mode:
Internet banking (Please use LJ username as your nickname)
POSB savings 159-16585-0
Payment to be rounded up to the nearest cent.
For inter-bank transfers, please e-mail me first.

Distribution mode:
Post (normal & registered)

Exchange rate:
USD1 = SGD1.45

Shipping & handling:
Via vPost USA - Free standard ground shipping within US with orders of USD50 and above.
I will collect SGD3 per ITEM first; any excess will be refunded, collected or used to offset 2nd payment.

Shipping will be based on the unit allocation:
Light Accessories - 0.5 unit
Tees, Light Tops, Light Skirts - 1 unit
Shorts, Dresses - 1.5 unit
Heavy Bottoms, Heavy Dresses, Sweaters - 2 unit
Bags, Shoes, Jackets/Hoodies - 3 unit

Item allocation may be revised if items are found to be heavier/lighter than expected.

(a): [Total amount in USD * 1.45] + [SGD3 * number of items]
(b): Top-ups for shipping (if any) and local postage + $0.50 handling fee (Packaging)

Format of order:

LJ nick:
Bank Acct Type / No.:

Item name:
Alt: (Item must be of the same or lower value! Please include the URL, size and colour)
Price (USD):

Number of items:

Total amount (USD):

Total amount (SGD): [Total amount in USD * 1.45] + [SGD3 * no. of items] = Please round up to the nearest cent!

Kindly follow the format provided! Thanks.

**Please check that item is in stock.
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