Gmarket Bangles Spree #01 (( CLOSED ))

Apr 17, 2009 14:54

This is my first spree with Gmarket, so join me only when you are comfortable!

CAPPED @ 60 90 bangles ONLY!
PLEASE count before you post!
** Max. no. of bangles per spreers = 5 **

Total paid orders (89)
Self - 4
summerxsummer - 4
chubbybit  - 5
indulgez - 4
skipthbeat - 1
adiemus82 - 3
iryslim - 4
rainbowberr - 3
bubbly_ghurl - 4
melissalim1986 - 3
iloveyude - 4
stothem - 5
mun22mun - 2
fullbloom - 5
nnoovvee - 4
natesha - 2
shakeitallup_ - 2
sjchew - 4
mayi0825 - 4
denudde - 3
gigswigs - 5
loveambience - 3 [without initial shipping]
stephhh_g - 1
rukawa27 - 3
jasminz - 5
eupeptic_yun - 2

PLEASE transfer payment before posting!
Order and payment in ONE SINGLE comment!
** I will delete comments without order and payment together! **

Frozen comment = payment received

Feedback - Sgspree +173/-0 | Spreee +59/-0

Updates are done via spree page. There will only be 3 mass emails (first : before order, second : request for mailing address, and third : items arrived and top-up request).

19 Apr @ 1:35AM
Spree closed. Orders have already been consolidated in excel. I'm now waiting for IB to reflect 4 payments before I will mass email. There will only be 2-3 mass emails. First email before the order is made. Second email when I need address. Third email will items arrived and top-up is required. I will send out the first mass email within 24 hours of this update.

19 Apr @ 1:53PM
First mass email sent. Please check your inbox/spam box to ensure you've received my email. If you did not receive my email after looking at your inbox and/or spam box, please let me know and I will resend to you.

19 Apr @ 4:45PM
Batch 1 ordered. There are some OOS items. Items highlighted in cyan are OOS. Items in black fonts are ordered. Click here to view spreers in Batch 1 and OOS items.

20 Apr @ 4:30PM
Batch 1 is shipped out by seller. I will order Batch 2 when I'm home tonight.

20 Apr @ 7:17PM
Batch 2 ordered. There are some OOS items. Items highlighted in cyan are OOS. Items in red fonts are ordered. Click here to view spreers in Batch 2 and OOS items.

20 Apr @ 10:00PM
Batch 3 ordered. There are some OOS items. Items highlighted in cyan are OOS. Items in red fonts are ordered. Click here to view spreers in Batch 3 and OOS items.

20 Apr @ 10:10PM
Summary for orders
Batch 1 = 30 bangles + Batch 2 = 29 bangles + Batch 3 = 15 bangles
Total = 74 bangles

Local delivery charged by seller = KRW 2,500 x 3 (due to no. of items limited to 30 pieces per order) x US$0.00078 x SG$1.56 = SG$9.13
EMS delivery charged by seller = (KRW 33,500 + 33,500 + 22,500) x US$0.00078 x SG$1.56 = SG$108.91
Total delivery fees = SG$9.13 + SG$108.91 = SG$118.04

20 Apr @ 11:30PM
Mass email #2 sent. If you did not receive it, please let me know. Alternatively, the content of email is asking for your mailing address and choice of postage mode. You can click here to post your comment.

21 Apr @ 4:50PM
Mass email with print screen of my DBS credit card being charged in USD has been sent. Aside to this, Batch 2 and Batch 3 are shipped out.

23 Apr @ 5PM
Batch 1 arrived! Ahhhhh! There isn't item code on the bangle packaging. Sorting out could be pain in *** now. I will wait for Batch 2 and 3 to arrive before sending out the finalised (net) amount each spreer is paying.

24 Apr @ 5:20PM
Batch 2 and 3 arrived! Yuppie! For those who have not post and opt for postage, please do so by Saturday, 4PM! Otherwise, posting will be considered as NORMAL postage. I will pack the items on weekends. Mass email for top-up will be sent after packing is done. TGIF!

27 Apr @ 12:05AM
Final mass email sent. If you did not receive it, please let me know. Top-up to be completed by 6 May (Wed) at 12 noon. Otherwise, the items will be disposed of.

29 Apr @ 2:50PM
Refunds made via IB for spreers with excess from first payment.

As mentioned, items are bubble wrapped, then wrapped in newspaper and then wrapped in brown paper for posting. Self-returned address has been included in every article.

27 Apr @ 9:15PM
Items for the below spreers will be posted out on 28 Apr (Tue) @ Nanyang Estate:
Normal: summerxsummer / indulgez / adiemus82 / Bubbly_ghurl / shakeitallup_ / sjchew / mayi0825 / gigswigs / stephhh_g / rukawa27 / jasminz
Registered: melissalim1986 (RA #RR650041311SG)

28 Apr @ 12:20PM
Items for the below spreers will be posted out on 29 Apr (Wed) @ Nanyang Estate:
Normal: iryslim / nnoovvee / loveambience / eupeptic_yun
Registered: mun22mun (RA #RR650041313SG) (Additional 50c paid - will be refunded) / fullbloom (RA #RR650041314SG) (Additional SG$1.55 paid - will be refunded)

29 Apr @ 1:30PM
Items for the below spreers will be posted out on 30 Apr (Thu) @ Nanyang Estate:
Normal: skipthbeat / stothem

30 Apr @ 12PM
Items for the below spreers will be posted out on 1 May (Fri) @ Nanyang Estate:
Normal: denudde

1 May @ 12PM
Items for the below spreers will be posted out on 2 May (Sat) @ Nanyang Estate:
Normal: natesha / iloveyude

1. Please transfer payment before posting. ONE SINGLE comment only! Comments without payment in ONE SINGLE post will be deleted!
2. No more editing is allowed after payment. DELETE AND REPOST if necessary!
3. Frozen comment = payment received
4. Please adhere to my format when you are posting or it will be deleted.
5. Please double-check your order to ensure that item codes are correct.
6. Please note that I will not be held responsible in the event that the item/s is/are missing/damage/lost during shipping and/or in the mail.
7. Please note that I will not be held responsible in the event that the seller sends in wrong items. I'll help to liaise should such situation arises.
8. Extra cost will be borned by spreers if there is a need for bubble postpac/cartons.
9. NOT accepting any orders via email.
10. There will be 2 payments. 1st payment for items + $1/item [to offset shipping]. 2nd payment = Extra shipping [if any] + local postage + 50c handling fee.

** Possible FAQ about this spree **
Q. How do you know Gmarket charges in US$?
A. You can do a mock check out if you want

Q. Where did you get the KRW to US$ rate?
A. From Gmarket - 1000 KRW = US$.78

Q. Why is your registered postage at SG$2.25?
A. I'm posting at Franchise, not PO. They do not have nets, hence they charge me SG$2.25 instead.

Details of Spree
1. Website
Gmarket - This is the only seller I am ordering from. Please do not ask for other sellers

2. Closure of spree
60 bangles

3. My email
pinkist [at] gmail [dot] com

4. Payment
POSB Savings 245676808
IB or ATM - NOT accepting interbank transfer.
For IB payment, use only your LJ nick!

5. Distribution of items
Strictly via normal or registered postage.
For normal postage charge, please refer to Singpost.
For registered postage, additional SG$2.25 + normal postage

6. Exchange rate
Gmarket will charge in US$ for international orders.
Hence there will be 2 conversions - from KRW to US$, then from US$ to SG$
1 KRW = US$0.00078 > US$1 = SG$1.56

7. Shipping details
EMS - Shipping amount to be divided by no. of bangles

8. Format of order
LJ nick:
Real name:
Bank type + account no.:

Item 1
Item code:
Qty: 1 (PLEASE post as new item if the qty is more than 1)
Price in KRW: 1000 + whatever amount stated in RED on the picture (eg.: +800, +2000, etc)

Item 2
Item code:
Qty: 1 (PLEASE post as new item if the qty is more than 1)
Price in KRW: 1000 + whatever amount stated in RED on the picture (eg.: +800, +2000, etc)

Total qty:
Total amount in KRW = Item 1 + Item 2
Total amount in US$ = KRW x US$0.00078 = US$
Payment amount in SG$ = US$ x SG$1.56 + [SG$1 x no. of bangles] = SG$

* Payment Details *
Transaction no.:

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