Website that you are ordering from : When you will stop taking orders:
Capped at US$150
My email address:
How you should make payment to me:
POSB Savings Account 126-72819-0
Distribution of items:
Normal/Registered mail ($0.30 handling to be borned by spree-er)
Meet-ups at my convenience only
Exchange rate:
Shipping details:
Free shipping within US
Vpost to Singapore
Free shipping within US
Payment details:
First payment for the items you ordered. Pay $2.00 per item to offset Vpost first
Second payment for any necessary top-ups/refunds and local postage cost
Spree Organiser's Terms and Conditions
Normal mails at your own risk. Registered mail is preferred.
I will take in those who’ve paid first
No changing of orders once spree is closed.
No payments = No orders
Format of order:
LJ Nick:
Email Address:
Account Type/No:
Item #1
Item Name:
Style #:
Price in USD:
Price in SGD: Price in USD x 1.57 =
Total Number of Items:
Vpost: No. of items x $2.00 = S$
Total in SGD: Total in SGD + Vpost =
Vpost Charges
Jewellery/Headbands/Sunglasses/ - 0.5 Item
Tops/Short Skirts/Shorts/Swimwear/Belts/Sleepwear - 1 item
Dress/Long Skirts/Pants - 1.5 Items
Jeans/Sweaters/Jackets/Bags - 2 Items
Note: I want to keep the thread neat so email me if you have any queries
Have fun!!
My Feedbacks [+20/-0]