BarbieBagel SG Spree #1

Mar 16, 2007 10:22

i almost wanted to order from shimmywave but she closed it already :(  CANCELLED and REFUNDED!!!
pls note that i am only taking in 7 items coz i want this to be a fast spree!! only paid items are considered
50% off for more than 3 items ordered from seller and items will arrive soon coz this is based in sg not overseas :)
coz most items OOS including mine :(
those who have transferred u'll receive ur refund by tmr(18.03.2007) afternoon 2pm :) coz not at home right now :)
sgspree fb: +33/-0

pls read!!!

-only paid items are considered and i'll only take in the 1st 7 paid orders according to my IB transaction summary
-i'll only do updates when necessary so pls do not flood my email as and when u like
-pls delete the old comment and repost a new one if u wanna change ur item, i wanna keep this thread clean :)
-i'll not be responsible if the seller ship the wrong item over, i'll def do my part and not make any mistake at my side
-onus is on u to fill in ur order correctly, check the url again after u have posted so as to make it's the desired url
-pls only order items that are in stock, description is in eng so it's not difficult to understand the phrase 'ready stock' :)



#1 Website that you are ordering from

#2 When you will stop taking orders

#3 Your email address

#4 How spree participants should make payment to you
POSB Saving: 057442611

#5 Estimated units for the items bought
Accessories - 0.5 unit
Tops/Clutches - 1 unit
Dress/Bottom- 2 unit
Small bag- 2.5 unit
Big bag/shoes-3 units

#6 How you will distribute items
postage only!

#7 Exchange rate
In SGD so no conversion is needed

#8 Shipping details
via registered postage to my doorsteps

#9 Payment Collected details 
first payment- price of item(after 50% discount) + $2 initial shipping charge (will be sent to my doorstep via reg post), excess will be used to offset postage and handling fee

second payment-postage + 50 cents handling fee (includes everything that is needed to seal up ur item)+ necessary top up on shipping (this will not be collected most likely :))

#10 Format of order
Name/lj nick:
Account Type/Number:

Item #1:
Price in SGD:

Item #2:
Price in SGD:

Total in SGD:
Total in SGD: SGD * 0.5 + $2/item= total

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