OK thanks for the info, will try and use it again and use excess for vPost and other top-up. But from what I tried the last time, it does not work for 2 for $_(howmuch)__ kind of sale items Just so other spree-ers will know :)
okie dokie. hope you can take cos wasnt feeling well last night n i couldt find the device so i got my mum to transfer earli when she went for her morning jog. have a gd day!
Comments 35
Name/LJ Nick : ruishan/rui
Email Address: humanshortcake@gmail
Account Details: given upon request
Item 1: Lux Botanical Print Ruffle Skirt
URL: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=22658&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=10&iSubCat=594&iProductID=22658
Colour: white combo
Size: xs
Alt if OOS: same item in black
Price in USD: 19.99
Total Price in USD: 19.99
Total Price in SGD: [1.59 * 1.59 * 0.8] + (No of Item(s) x $3) = 26.42
let me know if you're using the 25%, and i'll transfer immediately :)
119-42008-3 beesterpeester
Amount S$26.42
Transaction Reference 996917173
Email Address: onlymidnight@gmail.com
Account Details: POSB Savings 186-34715-3
Item 1: Jeffrey Campbell Cutout Heel
URL: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=25785&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=121&iSubCat=596&iProductID=25785
Colour: Purple
Size: 7.5
Qty: 1
Alt if OOS: DNB
Price in USD: 69.99
Total Price in USD: 69.99
Total Price in SGD: [1.59 * USD * 0.8] + (2 x $3) = $95.03
I'll make payment tmr as IB is down. Thanks! :)
Transaction Reference 996923138
Btw, the 25% off code "SECRETSALE07" has been extended to Jan 8, Midnight EST
But from what I tried the last time, it does not work for 2 for $_(howmuch)__ kind of sale items
Just so other spree-ers will know :)
Thanks for payment!
Email: angelxts@gmail.com
Account number: posb savings 003530248
Item #1
Item Name: Patent hinge wallet
URL: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=26154&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=77&iSubCat=1137&iProductID=26154
Color: deep red
Size: -
Alt: DNB
Price in USD: 20
Item #2
Item Name: Little miss bossy
URL: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=25264&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=10&iSubCat=20&iProductID=25264
Color: liquorice
Alt: DNB
Price in USD: 28
Total No. of Shipping Item(s): 2
Total Price in USD: S48
Total Price in SGD: ( USD48 * 1.59 *0.8 (discount)) + (SGD$3 X 2 ) = [ SGD67.00 ]
Transaction Reference 997015560
sorrysorry pls do take mine in?
Email Address: princexssa@yahoo.com.sg
Account Details:
Item 1: Sparkle & Fade Hearts Fine Rib Printed Henley
URL: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=25480&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=10&iSubCat=1105&iProductID=25480
Colour: Heart Star
Size: Small
Qty: 1
Alt if OOS: NIL
Price in USD: 28
Item 2: Rope Belt
URL: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=27049&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=77&iSubCat=79&iProductID=27049
Colour: Brown
Size: Medium/Large
Qty: 1
Alt if OOS: NIL
Price in USD: 24
Total Price in USD: 52
Total Price in SGD: [1.59 * USD 52 * 0.8] + (1.5 x $3) = [SGD$70.64]
To POSB Savings 119-42008-3 (_beester)
Transaction Reference: 996985392
Amount: $70.64
hi babe, I got someone to transfer the money through iBanking for me in the early afternoon. Pls check. Thks!
Spree Cap is waay over and on the verge of incurring GST
So, refunded you anyways :)
To Account POSB Savings
118-49105-0 princexssa
Amount S$70.64
Transaction Reference 997708541
Email Address: gnuy_28@yahoo.com
Account Details: posb savings 207235342
Item 1: Foiled Foldover Wallet
Colour: gold
Size:1 size
Alt if OOS:
Price in USD:14.99
Item 3: Foiled Foldover Wallet
Colour: red
Size:1 size
Alt if OOS:
Price in USD:14.99
Total Price in USD: 29.98
Total Price in SGD: [1.59 * USD29.98 * 0.8] + (2 x $3) = [SGD44.13]
can you still take the order?
the transaction details r
time: 5.51am
date: 08.01.07
ref: 0134
if you need verification i can scan a copy of it and show it to you.
when i get home from office
hope you can take
cos wasnt feeling well last night n i couldt find the device so i got my mum to transfer earli when she went for her morning jog. have a gd day!
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